
Wednesday, May 16, 2012


What is 4 For MORE?

A Bible Study for BUSY WOMEN that need  MORE OF JESUS !
An easy method to learn to study the Living Word of God in a simple and effective way that will begin to fill the continual desire for MORE which only MORE of  The Lord Jesus will every fill that hole in your life.
( All scripture is inspired by God and profititable for teaching, fro reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness: that the Man/Woman of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.) II timothy 3:16

M- (meet) with God daily
O-  (open) the Living Word
R- ( read) one to two verses of scripture daily for one week
E- (experience) The Living God speaking directly to YOU! 

Start with the following study on  Growth:

week 1-   -John 1:1 THE WORD
week 2 - G- GRACE Ephesians 1:7-8 
week 3 - R-  RIGHTEOUSNESS  Ephesians 4: 22-24
week 4-  O- OBEDIENCE  Romans 6:16
week 5-  W- WISDOM    James 1:5
week 6-  T- TRUST       Proverbs 3:5-6
week 7-  H- HOLINESS  I Peter 1:14-16

If you want to we find that getting a journal to write each weeks scripture in really helps and begin to just write what God is saying to you. Ask three other to join you weekly to discuss what God is saying to YOU in that weeks scripture.
1. rewrite the weekly verse in journal
2. rethink the weekly verse each day
3. experience the weekly verse daily as you begin to EXPERIENCE THE LIVING GOD fill all your desires for MORE with HIM.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Learning New Things!

I need help! I am trying to create a new blot and I give up! HELP ME CINDY CONNER.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A moment to myself

GUILT? Why do I always feel guilty if  I do something just for fun or just for me?  One of the other roles I have is always screaming at me, do the bills,clean the house,study the Bible, visit someone, call someone, go to work to much unfinished work on my desk ect ect. My sweet husband doesn't feel this guilt, he can just decide to just sit for hours and just watch TV or just goto the woods and sit for hours in a tree stand with no feelings of guilt. How do I get over guilt?